














Norwich Bulb Plantings - Friends of Norwich in Bloom Support Purple4Polio Rotary Awareness Campaign 2016

In September 2016 Norwich Centenary Rotary approached Terry Bane to invite Friends of Norwich in Bloom to be part of the Purple4Polio Crocus Ruby Giant plantings being organised by Rotary Great Britain and Ireland http://www.rotarygbi.org/what-we-do/purple4polio/


Each year The Friends of Norwich in Bloom plan and carry out various community naturalised and display bulb plantings across the city of Norwich, Ambassador Terry Bane said "Friends of Norwich in Bloom are delighted and fully support Rotary Great Britain and Ireland’s Purple4Polio Crocus corm planting awareness campaign, through our network of supporting sponsors, partners, volunteers and schools, groups and organisations, 16 locations across Norwich are participating (list below) and planting 20,000 Crocus Ruby Giant during the month of October".


20,000 Crocus were collected from Rotary Norwich organisers on Tuesday 4th October and taken to City College Norwich where learning difficulty students measured, counted and bagged up corms as part of the living classroom activities ready for groups to collect and plant.



Above - City College Norwich Learning Difficulty Students weigh and count 20,000 Crocus corms ready for schools, groups and organisations to collect 4th October 2016

The first of our plantings was on Friday 7th October at The Assembly House, NORWICH flower bed, Assembly House Staff, City College Norwich Learning Difficulty Students, Friends of Norwich in Bloom, Anglia in Bloom President Brian Thornton with Norwich Centenary Rotary planted 1,000 corms.


Norwich Centenary Rotary Club President Rosemary Linley said "The Crocus planting is part of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland’s (RIBI) latest campaign to raise funds and public awareness of its fight to eradicate polio globally. Rotary International started this programme in 1985, and so far 2 billion children worldwide have been vaccinated and over 13 million children have been prevented from contracting polio. Every £1 that Rotary International raises worldwide is matched by a further £2 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Purple4polio campaign puts the emphasis on the colour purple, because it is the colour of the dye used to mark the little finger of each child who has been immunised. Over 20,000 crocus bulbs will be planted this autumn, by Rotary Clubs in Norwich with  many thousands more being planted by other Clubs across Norfolk and the Eastern Region as a whole".


Above left - Norwich Centenary Rotary Joan Youdjel, Eirian Rees, Anglia in Bloom President Brian Thornton, Jon Hooke FNIB, Rotary Rosemary Linley, Ed Purnell FNIB

Above middle - John Attoe City College Norwich Tutor explains to students how to plant Crocus at The Assembly House 7th October 2016

Above right - City College Norwich students plant Crocus with Norwich Centenary Rotary Joan Youdjel

Photos by Terry Bane 


Above left - Norwich Centenary Rotary plant Crocus with St. Stephens Church Volunteers and Sarah Wilkinson from The Assembly House 24th October 2016

Above middle - Friends of Norwich in Bloom with Norwich Centenary Rotary admire Crocus in flower St. Stephens Church and Tea Party Poster 8th March 2017

Above right - Rotary St.  Edmunds with St.  Margaret Church Volunteers admire Crocus 15th March 2017


Updated 17th April 2017 © Copyright Terry Bane & Norwich in Bloom 2017 - Web Site Designer Terry Bane terrycbane@gmail.com